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The History of Textiles - The Islamic Arts & Architecture - The Decorative Arts
Communication, Culture, Ideology - Theory of Time - Contemporary Art


G. International General Publications


G1. Books on Textiles

G2. Books on Communication, Culture & Ideology

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G1. Books on Textiles


SIEGELAUB, Seth; CENTER FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH ON OLD TEXTILES [CSROT], eds. Bibliographica Textilia Historiae. Towards A General Bibliography on the History of Textiles Based on the Library and Archives of the CSROT. New York: International General, 1997. 415 [1]p. 21.5 x 30.5. Cloth; dj. 35 Line ill. ISBN 0-88477-038-9 € 120,00 / $ 150.00
A comprehensive bibliography containing over 5,000 catalogued entries of books & articles, with a total of over 10,000 individual texts included in anthologies, reviews & magazines, published in all languages, mostly European (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish), 15th - 20th century, treating all aspects of the history of handwoven textiles as art, craft, technology, industry & commerce. All entries are given with full author & title, edition, publisher, date & series title, with most provided with collations, & over 3,000 with a descriptive annotation, including a list of each text contained in anthologies, reviews & magazines. The work concludes with a detailled subject index of the most important books in each subject area. The entries cover all possible types of textiles, including archeological, ethnographic, religious (Islamic, Christian & Buddhist), secular, decorative & folk textiles made in Asia, Europe, the Americas, Oceania & Africa, from the "prehistoric", ancient, medieval, renaissance, baroque & rococco periods through the 20th century, including works on woven silk, wool, linen, cotton, velvet, printed textiles, embroidery, lace, carpets, dyeing, tapestry, pattern books, costume, weaving technology & analysis, textile conservation, & many other related subjects. This is first systematic attempt to outline & document all facets of the world history of textiles & its study. The entries are based on the library and archives of the Center for Social Research on Old Textiles, [CSROT], which is part of the libraries & collections of The Stichting Egress Foundation in Amsterdam. [CSROT 5100].

"Siegelaub has painstakingly catalogued, annotated and indexed (by both country and subject) the library's multi-lingual holdings, and the result is this substantial bibliography, the first of its kind. ... This publication has the added attraction of having an in-depth and thought-provoking essay on the history, ideology and approaches to the literature of textiles since the 15th century .... If there ever is a 'hall of fame' for bibliographies, [it] deserves a place beside Creswell's on Islamic art and architecture, Ferguson's on inventions, and Arntzen & Rainwater's on art history." Alan Kennedy, Hali, 103, March-April 1999

"This astonishing bibliography takes into account all facets of textile literature. ... To date textile historiography suffers from a fragmentation into fields of interest that are cut off from each other. Thus the work done by the author and the CSROT Foundation is all the more worthy of our attention and support.. This publication should be available on the shelves of every scientific library." TextileForum, 4/97

"[Its] multidisciplinary approach to the history of textiles also means that the bibliography covers not only the more traditional types of literature ..., but also such items as legislative collections ...; industrial or craft technical manuals, socio-economic histories; travel journals; and more general works on specific areas of textile history (Islamic textiles coverage is particularly strong in this regard). .... The volume's classification system would also enable a librarian to base a more than respectable library collection on it as well as start a researcher on an appropriate bibliographic track. ... An important reference addition to ... library collections." Art Libraries Journal, 3, 1998

"[It] provides a comprehensive tool as an initial resource, with detailed annotations and references and a number of interesting illustrations. While it takes a truly international approach there is inevitably a European and Asian emphasis. .... We believe that at a price of US$ [150.00] this unique bibliography would make a valuable addition to any textile, historical or archaeological library, archive, museum or auction house. In fact there may be a place for this title on the bookshelves of textile and history enthusiasts." Canadian Textile Journal, May-June 1999

FRANCISQUE-MICHEL [= MICHEL, Francisque-Xavier, Lyon 1809 – 1887 Paris]. Recherches sur le Commerce, la Fabrication et l'Usage des Étoffes des Soies, d'Or et d'Argent et Autres Tissus Précieux en Occident Principalement en France Pendant le Moyen Age [Paris 1852-1854]. 2 Vols Bound in 1 Volume. Facsimile Reprint Edition. New York; Amsterdam: International General, 2001. Volume 1: [8] [4] iv 386p; Volume 2: [4] 580 [4]p. 17.5 x 25. Cloth. Limited edition of 500. ISBN: 0-88477-040-0 € 135,00 / $ 175.00
Facsimile Reprint Edition; 1st edition: Paris 1852-1854. A wide-ranging encyclopedic compilation containing thousands of detailled excerpts and scholarly references to the different types of luxury silk, gold and silver textiles and clothing used by the ruling classes during the middle ages. The descriptions are drawn from published and unpublished sources ranging from the sixth through the nineteenth century, and include excerpts from royal and church inventories, memoirs, literature and poetry, among other sources. Due to its scholarship & range of references it is still unsurpassed and remains an unrivalled source book for the study of the history of medieval fine textiles and clothing in Europe, the Islamic and Christian middle east, and especially, France. The first scholarly history of decorative fine textiles, as well as one of the rarest. - The Author was a philologist & Professor of Foreign Literature at the Faculté des Lettres in Bordeaux in the 1840s, & also lived in Paris, where he was a publisher in the early 1830s. He is the author, editor or translator of ca 100 scholarly works, mostly on medieval & renaissance literature & history.

G2. Books on Communication, Culture & Ideology


MIEGE, Bernard. The Capitalization of Cultural Production. New York:International General, 1989. 165 [3]p. 21 x 14. Paper. ISBN 0-88477-025-7 € 16,95 / $ 24.95 / £ Stg 12.95
A critical left study of the confronting logics underlying the production, diffusion and consumption of culture and communication in late capitalism, both on a national as well as on an international level, with 8 texts on communication studies, the cultural commodity, the cultural industries, children's cultural products, artistic and intellectual creativity, information systems, cable television and the new media. Includes bibl, p163-5.

HAUG, Wolfgang Fritz. Commodity Aesthetics, Ideology and Culture. New York; Bagnolet: International General, 1987. 188 [4]p. 21 x 14. Paper. ISBN 0-88477-022-2 € 16,95 / $ 18.95 / £ Stg12.95
A compilation of 10 essays setting forth a multi-dimensional analysis of culture integrating three related theories: (1) a theory of commodity aesthetics; (2) a theory of the cultural as an omni-present dimension of everyday life, especially "culture from below"; and (3) a theory of the ideological, especially "from above". Also includes an extensive bibl of the author's writings since 1958. The first English-language work of this important German Marxist philosopher.

DORFMAN, Ariel; Armand MATTELART. How to Read Donald Duck. Imperialist Ideology in the Disney Comic. 2nd Edition; 4th Printing. New York: International General, 1991. 119 [1]p. 26 x 18. Paper. 66 Cartoon Line ill.ISBN 0-88477-037-0 / 0-88477-023-0 € 14,95 / $ 22.50 / £ Stg 11.95
Translation; original Spanish published in Chile: Para Leer al Pato Donald. Valparaiso 1971; 1st English edition: 1975. The classic, critical and humorous study of cultural imperialism and children's literature; how the Disney fantasy world reproduces the "American Dream" fantasy world, and the disastrous effect of Disney comics and other "mass" cultural merchandise on the development of the so-called "Third" World. In 1973 this work was banned and burned in Chile, and later the English edition was banned for more than a year by the US government. In comic book format with cartoon examples, introduction by David KUNZLE on the Disney world, a bibl of left writings on cultural imperialism and the comics, and an appendix by John Shelton LAWRENCE on the book's US censorship and the legal-political issues involved in the right to criticize Disney.

HÄNNINEN, Sakari; Leena PALDAN, eds. Rethinking Marx. Berlin; New York: International General, 1984. 202 [2]p. 19 x 14. Paper. ISBN 0-88477-021-4 € 14,95 / $ 22.50 / £ Stg 11.95
"International Socialism-Discussion" 5. "Argument-Sonderband AS 109". An anthology of 51 critical Marxist and left texts re-thinking the ideas of Marx in function of the new forms and problems in the contemporary struggles for a truly liberated society. The texts were presented at the "Internationale Konferenz Aktualisierung Marx" held in Berlin, and deal with historical materialism, the State, economic and class analyses, culture and ideology, new social movements, politics and socialist perspectives, and the possible renewal of Marxism. The contributors include D. ALBERS, J. BAYERS, J. BIDET, Y.M. BODEMANN, M. VON BRENTANO, F. CERUTTI, J.-P. COTTON, A. DOMÈNECH, W. ELFFERDING, V. GRANSOW, F. HAUG, W.F. HAUG, T. HEILMANN, J. HIRSCH, P.J. HOUNTONDJI, M. JÄGER, M. KITAMURA, P. KOSONEN, M. KRÄTKE, G. LABICA, E. LACLAU, S.E. LIEDMANN, G. LOHMANN, L. MARMORA, J. MEHTONON, S. MERCIER-JOSA, G. MINNERUPO, C. MOUFFE, H.-P. MÜLLER, R. NEMITZ, C. PASQUINELLE, V. PIETILÄ, K. RUOFF, M. SAGNOL, D. SASSOON, B. SEKULIC, J. SEMPERE, R. SHARP, K.H. TJADEN, R. WINKELMANN, F.O. WOLF, & E. WULFF.

HÄNNINEN, Sakari; Leena PALDAN, eds. Rethinking Ideology. A Marxist Debate. Berlin; New York: International General, 1983. 158 [2]p. 18.5 x 12. Paper.ISBN 0-88477-015-X € 14,95 / $ 22.50 / £ Stg 11.95
"International Socialism-Discussion" 3. "Argument-Sonderband AS 84". An anthology of 36 critical Marxist and left texts re-thinking the theory of ideology as an increasingly central element in an analysis of late capitalist society as well as in a political project for its transformation. Based on the work of the research group "PIT" ("Projekt Ideologie-Theorie"), it contains the papers presented at the "International Seminar on Problems of Research on Ideology" held in Berlin dealing with highly conceptual problems as well as those on politics, education, aesthetics, fascism, and feminism. The contributors include I. BESSENYEI, J.-P. COTTON, W. ELFFERDING, W.F. HAUG, F. HAUG, T. HEILMANN, K. HOLZKAMP, B. JOHANSEN, M. KITAMURA, E. LACLAU, K.H. LADEUR, A. DE LEEUW, T. METSCHER, C. MOUFFE, D. NÉMEDI, R. NEMITZ, A. NEUSÜSS, S.A. NOHRSTEDT, M. PÉCHEUX, J.M. RIPALDA, K.R. SCHERPE, H. SCHOLTZ, R. SHARP, G. THERBORN, & F.O. WOLF.

MATTELART, Armand, ed. Communicating in Popular Nicaragua. New York: International General, 1986. 140 [4]p. 26 x 18. Paper. 35 Line ill. ISBN 0-88477-024-9 € 16,95 / $ 24.95 / £ Stg 12.95
An anthology of 13 critical texts from Nicaragua, Europe and the USA, the first on the media and culture in Nicaragua, many of which are published here for the first time. It includes social-historical analyses of Nicaraguan journalism, the press, radio, film, video, mural expression, literacy and social movements, in light of Nicaragua's struggle to develop a practice of democratic participation under the siege conditions of US-imposed economic, psychological and military warfare. It includes 2 unpublished texts by Tomas BORGE MARTINEZ, the sole surviving founder of the FSLN and Nicaraguan Minister of the Interior, as well as studies by Armand MATTELART, Julianne BURTON, Omar CABEZAS, Fernando CARDENAL and Valerie MILLER, the Center for Atlantic Coast Research and Documentation (CIDCA), Jose Luis CORAGGIO, Howard H. FREDERICK, Dee Dee HALLECK, David KUNZLE, & Guillermo ROTHSCHUH VILLANUEVA. Includes a bibl of left studies on the media and culture in Nicaragua and Latin America, p[136]-40.

MATTELART, Armand; Seth SIEGELAUB, eds. Communication and Class Struggle. An Anthology in 2 Volumes. 1. Capitalism, Imperialism. New York; Bagnolet: International General, 1979. 445 [3]p. 26 x 18. Paper. 9 BW & Line ill. ISBN 0-88477-011-7 € 50,00 / $ 75.00 / £ Stg 37.50
Volume 1 of 2 Volumes. An anthology of 64 left and progressive texts on the relationship between the practice and theory of communication and their development in the historical context of social struggle on a world scale, of which more than 1/3rd are published for the first time in English, with some published for the first time in any language. This 1st volume deals with the basic Marxist theory underlying the analysis of the communication process, as well as studies centered on the formation of the capitalist communication apparatus, ideology and "mass" culture. It contains texts by S. SIEGELAUB, A. MATTELART, K. MARX, A. GRAMSCI, V.I. LENIN, MAO Tse-Tung, P. BOURDIEU, REVOLUTIONARY LEFT MOVEMENT (MIR, Chile), H. LEFEBVRE, L. ACOSTA, M. MATTELART, D.W. SMYTHE, S. FINKELSTEIN, T. WENGRAF & R. MURRAY, F. MEHRING, R. ESCARPIT, J. HABERMAS, Y. DE LA HAYE, A. CABRAL, R. CONSTANTINO, C. ORTEGA & C. ROMERO, R. FREDERIX, J.D. BERNAL, S. EWEN, N.R. DANIELIAN, THE FILM COUNCIL (UK), R. LINDNER, R. WILLIAMS, R.A. BRADY, D. SINGTON & A. WEIDENFELD, FREE COMMUNICATIONS GROUP, R. PERON, FRENCH COMMUNIST PARTY-CHAIX PRINTERS, R. BONCHIO, J. STRASSER, M. JANCO & D. FURJOT, J.-M. CARIOT, M. O'CAOLLAI, SCIENCE FOR THE PEOPLE, L.A. PEREZ JR., H.I. SCHILLER, R. DRINOT SILVA, T.H. GUBACK, S. PEREZ BARRETO, J. ARONSON, PHONG HIEN & LE VAN HAO, C. BRIGHTMAN & M. KLARE. Includes an extensive bibliography with over 500 left books on the subject, p431-41. Along with vol 2, the most important attempt —in any language— to lay the groundwork for a critical left theory of communication and culture.

MATTELART, Armand; Seth SIEGELAUB, eds. Communication and Class Struggle. An Anthology in 2 Volumes. 2. Liberation, Socialism. New York; Bagnolet: International General, 1983. 438 [10]p. 26 x 18. Paper. 63 BW & Line ill. ISBN 0-88477-018-4 € 50,00 / $ 75.00 / £ Stg 37.50
Vol 2 of 2 Volumes. An anthology of 64 left and progressive texts on the relationship between the practice and theory of communication and their development in the historical context of social struggle on a world scale, of which more than 38 are published for the first time in English, with some published for the first time in any language. This 2nd volume deals with an analysis of the development of popular and working-class communications and culture, its theory and practice under different political, social and historical conditions, as well as its contemporary expression. It contains texts by S. SIEGELAUB, A. MATTELART, A. GRAMSCI, M. MATTELART, L. TROTSKY, O. NEGT & A. KLUGE, W.F. HAUG, E.CABET & L.-A. PAGNERRE, K. MARX, A. FORNET, R. LAVROFF, V.I. LENIN, THE COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL, D. TARTAKOWSKY, P. FOGARASI, WORKER'S LIFE, B. HOGENKAMP, G. BARONE & A. PETRUCCI, B. BRECHT, H. EISLER, F. HOLLERING, E. HOERNLE, W. MUNZENBERG, P. GAUDIBERT, L. BASSETS, CHE GUEVARA, A. SIBEKO, A. DORFMAN, F. FANON, O. GETINO & F. SOLANAS, H. ABU GHANIMA, A.B. KHALATOV, S. TRETIAKOV, EL LISSITSKY, T. KURTOVIC, F. CASTRO, J. GARCIA ESPINOSA, S. COELHO, THE MPLA, J. REBELO, FRELIMO, M. CHANAN, UNIFIED FEDERATION OF PRINTING & PAPER WORKERS-DEMOCRATIC FEDERATION OF PTT WORKERS-CFDT, P.M. MANACORDA, S. ALLENDE, D. KUNZLE, ARMED FORCES MOVEMENT, PORTUGUESE COMMUNIST PARTY, THE STRIKE COMMITTEE OF THE ÉCOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES BEAUX-ARTS, DIRECTORS OF POPULAR THEATRES AND CULTURAL CENTRES, COUNCIL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNITY MEDIA, G. RICHERI, J. LINDSAY, & J.-M. PIEMME. Includes an extensive bibliography with over 650 left books on the subject, p421-35. Along with volume 1, the most important attempt —in any language— to lay the groundwork for a critical left theory of communication and culture.

DE LA HAYE, Yves, ed. Marx & Engels On the Means of Communication (The Movement of Commodities, People, Information & Capital). A Selection of Texts. New York; Bagnolet: International General, 1980. 173 [3]p. 18.5 x 10. Paper. ISBN 0-88477-013-3 € 14,95 / $ 22.50 / £ Stg 11.95
A compilation of 26 extracts from the work of Karl Marx & Frederick Engels, organized in 4 sections: general works on the relations of exchange; the means of communications in social relations; the expansion of communications, especially the railways; & the transportation industry. Includes important introduction, p9-55; bibl, p172-3. Unique work on subject.

BAXANDALL, Lee; Stefan MORAWSKI, eds. Karl Marx & Frederick Engels On Literature and Art. A Selection of Writings. 2nd ptg. New York: International General, 1977. [8] 179 [3]p. 20 x 12. Paper. ISBN 0-88477-001-X € 14,95 / $ 22.50 / £ Stg 11.95
"Documents on Marxist Aesthetics" 1. 1st edition: 1974. A compilation of 57 texts and extracts from the work of Marx and Engels containing all their basic aesthetic thought organized in 9 sections reflecting the main underlying themes: aesthetic sensibility; capitalist alienation; communism; class values; realism; tendency literature; and form and style, among others. Includes a major critical introduction by Polish aesthetics philosopher Stefan MORAWSKI, p3-47; a supplement with texts by Eleanor MARX, Paul LAFARGUE, and Franziska KUGELMANN, p[149]-56; an extensive bibliography of Marxist books in English on aesthetics, p[159]-74; and name index, p[177]-9.

BAXANDALL, Lee; Stefan MORAWSKI, eds. Karl Marx & Frederick Engels On Literature and Art. A Selection of Writings. New York: International General, 1974. [8] 179 [3]p. 20.5 x 12. Cloth. ISBN 0-88477-000-1 € 45,00 / $ 67.50 / £ Stg 33.95
"Documents on Marxist Aesthetics" 1. A compilation of 57 texts and extracts from the work of Marx and Engels containing all their basic aesthetic thought organized in 9 sections reflecting the main underlying themes: aesthetic sensibility; capitalist alienation; communism; class values; realism; tendency literature; and form and style, among others. Includes a major critical introduction by Polish aesthetics philosopher Stefan MORAWSKI, p3-47; a supplement with texts by Eleanor MARX, Paul LAFARGUE, and Franziska KUGELMANN, p[149]-56; an extensive bibliography of Marxist books in English on aesthetics, p[159]-74; and name index, p[177]-9.

INTERNATIONAL MASS MEDIA RESEARCH CENTER (IMMRC), ed. Marxism & the Mass Media: 1-2-3. Revised Edition. New York; Bagnolet: International General, 1978. 105 [1]p. 21 x 14. Paper. ISBN 0-88477-009-5 € 14,95 / $ 22.50 / £ Stg 11.95
1st published as separate volumes: New York 1972, 1973 & 1974. An international multi-lingual annotated bibliography of past and present Marxist, left, critical and progressive studies covering all aspects of culture and communication, including the press, radio, television, cable TV, telephone, computers, publishing, public opinion, advertising, journalism, cultural imperialism, film and mass culture, etc. This issue contains 871 texts in 453 catalogue entries, most of which are annotated, and is indexed by subject, author, and country. This bibliographic series was based on the IMMRC reference library, and only 7 issues in 3 volumes were published. It was the first and only bibliography on the subject, and is now part of the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam.

INTERNATIONAL MASS MEDIA RESEARCH CENTER (IMMRC), ed. Marxism & the Mass Media: 4-5. Reprint Edition. New York; Bagnolet: International General, 1986. 93 [3]p. 21 x 14. Paper. ISBN 0-88477-007-9 € 14,95 / $ 22.50 / £ Stg 11.95
1st edition: 1976. An international multi-lingual annotated bibliography of past and present Marxist, left, critical and progressive studies covering all aspects of culture and communication, including the press, radio, television, cable TV, telephone, computers, publishing, public opinion, advertising, journalism, cultural imperialism, film and mass culture, etc. This issue contains 603 texts in 204 catalogue entries (nos 454-658), most of which are annotated, and is indexed by subject, author, and country. This bibliographic series was based on the IMMRC reference library, and only 7 issues in 3 volumes were published. It was the first and only bibliography on the subject, and is now part of the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam.

INTERNATIONAL MASS MEDIA RESEARCH CENTER (IMMRC), ed. Marxism & the Mass Media: 6-7. New York; Bagnolet: International General, 1980. 122 [6]p. 21 x 14. Paper. ISBN 0-88477-008-7 € 14,95 / $ 22.50 / £ Stg 11.95
An international multi-lingual annotated bibliography of past and present Marxist, left, critical and progressive studies covering all aspects of culture and communication, including the press, radio, television, cable TV, telephone, computers, publishing, public opinion, advertising, journalism, cultural imperialism, film and mass culture, etc. This issue contains 516 texts in 166 catalogue entries (nos 659-825) most of which are annotated, and is indexed by subject, author, and country. This bibliographic series was based on the IMMRC reference library, and only 7 issues in 3 volumes were published. It was the first and only bibliography on the subject, and is now part of the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam.

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The History of Textiles - The Islamic Arts & Architecture - The Decorative Arts
Communication, Culture, Ideology - Theory of Time - Contemporary Art